A Triple A advisor

ESG Financing Support:
Consolving supports the corporates in defining the ESG framework necessary to negotiate with the banks and the investors the mechanism of pricing linked to the achievement of the sustainability targets.
Data Quality Review:
Consolving is recognised as a specialist provider of services for Structured Finance deals when the Accuracy and Integrity of the information utilised has to be verified (Pool Audit, Review of Stratification Tables, Review of Cash-flow Models, Review of Offering Circulars).
Transaction Due Diligence:
Consolving has developed a proprietary approach in Corporate Finance deals. It commences with performance of an Initial Risk Assessment based on a non-invasive, rapid, desktop risk assessment followed later by Due Diligence procedures at the Target Company premises.
Performance Review:
The financial market is always offering alternative forms of funding which are highly complex and often use special purpose vehicles. Consolving offers its services to the financing entity or to the investor to monitor the performance of the deal compared to the Business Plan throughout its duration.
Organisation & Processes:
Consolving has acquired strong experience of the assessment and re-engineering of business processes and control systems both at strategic points in time and in response to new regulatory requirements. It also has significant experience of re-thinking organisational structures before applications to the Bank of Italy.

Statutory Audit:
Consolving is authorised by the Ministry of Economy and Finance to perform the statutory and voluntary audit of financial statements, consolidated financial statements, group reporting packages, interim accounts and accounts/financial statements relating to EU funded projects.
Internal Audit:
Internal Audit (ex-Internal Control System)
Consolving can perform the internal audit function – regulated by specific Bank of Italy circulars issued for banks and for financial intermediaries – based on specific outsourcing agreements that may provide for the assumption of different degrees of responsibility.
These important services include procedures agreed with the parties (AUP – Agreed Upon Procedures) which are very frequent in Corporate and Structured Finance operations. They also include fairness opinions required by law and certifications of compliance with financial covenants.
Accounting Advisory:
This service line includes a series of different services ranging from organisational analysis in the accounting area to support with first-time application of IAS / IFRS and subsequent preparation of financial statements, Italian GAAP/IAS-IFRS accounting opinions and assistance with preparation of consolidated financial statements.

Consolving has performed numerous Independent Business Reviews whose scope was to assess the reasonableness and sustainability of a Business Plan drawn up in a business crisis situation. It has also certified restructuring agreements in terms of Article 182 of the Insolvency Law and has acted as loan agent for banks in relation to agreements in terms of Article 67 of the Insolvency Law.
Valutation & Attestation:
Consolving has built up strong experience of valuation of portfolios of business assets in Structured Finance deals and of company valuations in Corporate Finance transactions. Specifically, Consolving specialises in the measurement of financial instruments in financial statements (initial recognition and subsequent impairment tests).